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Raspberry Pi and "Pi-Star" Software
This SIG is for anything related to using a Raspberry Pi micro computer for setting up and using Digital "HotSpots".
You are Here: Raspberry Pi/ HotSpot SIG
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OVARC Weekly Analog Net

OVARC Sunday Analog Net
Every Sunday Evening at 7:00 PM MST
Join OVARC Members every Sunday night at 7:00 PM MST, on the Keystone Repeater, for the Elmer Tech Net. This Net works with all FM/VHF capable radios.
This is a directed, but casual net hosted by the OVARC Elmers. Everyone has technical questions, even the "experts" from time to time. Turns out that everyone knows somthing about things that others are looking for the answers to. Come join us and get answers to your questions and share your knowledge to help grow the technical depth of our hobbie. Everyone is welcome on the Net regardless of club affiliation or technical expertise.
For a list of OVARC and other repeaters, click on the link below.
Repeaters List Link (Spreadsheet)
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