Raspberry Pi and "Pi-Star" Software
This SIG is for anything related to using a Raspberry Pi micro computer for setting up and using Digital "HotSpots".
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HF/Field Operations SIG

OVARC HF Special Interest Group (SIG)
NOTE: Due to concerns for the health of our members/guests, and in compliance with CDC, State, and Local Government directives, OVARC field events may be cancelled or re-scheduled for a later date.
OVARC has formed a Special Interest Group (SIG) named "Radiosport and Field Activities" (RAFA). The mission of this SIG is to promote outdoor ham radio events, ham radio contests, and operate whenever possible in an "off-the-grid" mode. The SIG Chairman is Fred Bresani, W2HZ. The SIG plans to organize up to 12 events per year.
These events will mainly consist of "mini-field-day"events and ham radio contest participation. The field events will take place at selected locations in/or near Tucson. The SIG is open to any OVARC member, regardless of your license class or experience in field activities. If you have an interest, just show up.
These events will be geared to offer enjoyment of the outdoors with club members that are enthusiastic about HF radio. No one will be required to operate - you can just come out to watch and learn. The aim is to allow participants to gain knowledge and expertise in learning about HF operating, learn about logging tools and methods, and gain experience with "off-the-grid" ham radio ops. These events will be open to all OVARC members regardless of license class as General and Extra class licensees will be available as control operators. Operators will use CW, SSB and Digital modes on HF bands. Lastly, the SIG will offer a forum to ask anything about ham radio and learn from experienced ham radio operators in the group.
Please contact Fred Bresani W2HZ@verizon.net if you wish to be placed on the SIG's regular roster, and feel free to ask any questions.
2021 RAFA Calendar of Events
This is a tentative 2021 schedule for the Radiosport and Field Events Special Interest Group. All activities and dates should be considered tentative until an article is published on the website or newsletter or announced at a membership meeting.
NOTE: The following events may be cancelled or re-scheduled for a later date:
October 11th - Columbus Day celebration from Christopher Columbus Park - TBD
November 7th - Oracle State Park - TBD
December 5th: Pearl Harbor Day remembrance from K7UAZ (U of A Campus) - TBD