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Volunteer Examiner (VE) Info

  • Third Friday of Every Month, 5:30 PM

  • All license tests

  • Click Here for More Information

How to become a VE


Everyone who entered into ham radio after 1984 did so by taking a test given by a volunteer examiner (VE).

But what is a VE? VEs are hams just like you who go the extra mile to help others participate in the hobby.

Recently someone asked how to become a VE. Well, becoming a VE is easy! Here are the steps…


ONE: Study the ARRL VE Manual. It’s available three ways:

  1. Read it online for free here:

  2. Download it as a PDF for free here: VE MANUAL PDF

  3. Purchase a printed copy for $10 here:


Wait a minute! I have to study a manual? What if the questions are too hard? Relax. It contains the procedures and rules for filling out the paperwork and administering the tests. There are NO technical questions.


TWO: Take a 40 question OPEN BOOK test. The test is in the VE manual and can be printed by you before taking the test. 


THREE: Fill out the VE application. This is also in the VE manual and can be printed by you.


FOUR: Send the application and the test to the ARRL. There is NO FEE to become a VE.

Wait about 4 weeks for your paperwork to be reviewed and receive your VE badge.


That’s it!


Once your badge has arrived, you can volunteer at one of our testing sessions and help someone else become a ham or upgrade their license.


Note: Becoming a VE does not obligate you to participating in every testing session. Even if you only have time to help twice a year you should take the steps to getting your VE credentials. Help someone get their license!


Questions? Email:


This information was provided by David, AK2L.


OVARC Testing VE Sign Up, click HERE


OVARC License Testing VE Volunteers


OVARC provides monthly VE testing to help swell the ranks of ham radio. In order to do this testing, we require 3 VE’s plus the VE Liaison be present according to ARRL procedures. We ask all OVARC VE’s to use the SignUp Genius page, by clicking on the OVARC Testing VE SignUp link above.


If you have trouble using SignUp Genius, please contact:



OVARC VE Testing Team

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