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Raspberry Pi and "Pi-Star" Software
This SIG is for anything related to using a Raspberry Pi micro computer for setting up and using Digital "HotSpots".
You are Here: Raspberry Pi/ HotSpot SIG
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Kenwood TH-D75A

Chameleon EMCOMM III

2024 Raffle Items
(Drawing order!)
Yaesu FT-991 100W HF/6M Radio - $1150
Mike Hanks - W7QS
Kenwood TH-D75A Handheld - $750
Andrew Sibley - KK7IGT
Yeasu FT-891 portable 100W HF/6M - $629
Kenneth "Mike" Nester - KL7KTP
Rig Expert Stick 500 Antenna Analyzer - $350
Gordon Weins - KK7TM
PowerWerx PWRbox-15 Box & Battery - $260
Walt Brophy - AL7KE
Chameleon EMCOMM III 6M-160M portable antenna - $190
John Nichols - KI7YWO
Drawing will be held at 11:30am at the hamfest.
Winner need not be present to win !
Raffle Ticket Prices
Tickets available in-person day of hamfest or IN ADVANCE below
50 Raffle Tickets for $100
23 Raffle Tickets for $50
17 Raffle Tickets for $40
7 Raffle Tickets for $20
3 Raffle Tickets for $10
1 Raffle Ticket for $5
==> On-line ticket sales will end at 5 pm local time Friday 11/08/2024 <==
Make Sure your Callsign, e-mail and contact information is provided in the PayPal transaction so that we can provide you with your ticket stub confirmation
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