Raspberry Pi and "Pi-Star" Software
This SIG is for anything related to using a Raspberry Pi micro computer for setting up and using Digital "HotSpots".
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From the Archives 2025...

January 2025 Membership & Annual Meeting
Are You Working Amateur Radio Satellites ?
Did You Know That You Already Have What You Need ?
Frank Karnauskas, N1UW, a long time OVARC member, is Vice President of Development for the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation, better known as AMSAT. In just fifteen or twenty minutes, Frank will set your mind at ease in that most everyone at the meeting already has what they need to start making contacts through satellites. Frank will spend some time on basic operating tips and give us a look at what’s ahead in the exciting world of the Amateur Satellite Service.
Presenter Bio:
Frank- N1UW was first licensed in 1962 with his Novice ticket while in eight-grade. While living in Minnesota, he held various ARRL Section appointments including Section Emergency Coordinator and Affiliated Club Coordinator and was active as a CW traffic handler, net control station and section rep in the National Traffic System (NTS). As VP-Development for AMSAT, Frank is busy with both fund-raising activities as well as building the AMSAT Youth Initiative designed to welcome youth into amateur satellites and communications